
23. Grant Award Policy

Policies Uploaded on May 21, 2022

Grant Award Policy May 2016
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The Parish Council grants will be considered once a year at the June Full Council meeting.
Conditions of Funding
1. Applications must be submitted on the correct application form, supported by the appropriate documentation (e.g. constitution, recent accounts) and received by the second Friday in May for consideration at the June Full Council meeting. The Council may request additional information.
2. Applications will only be accepted from charitable or non-profit organisations.
3. Applications will not be accepted for the benefit of individuals.
4. Organisations may only receive one award each year.
5. Organisations should be local to Penkridge, or if based outside the area their work should be of direct benefit to the Parish and its residents.
6. All grant payments will be conditional upon submission of supporting documentation such as detailing costs of expenditure for projects or events for which the funding is being sought. These must be addressed to the Parish Administrator and dated after the date of approval. Cheques/payments will not be made to an individual.
7. If successful grant recipients are required to submit copies of invoices/receipts, where appropriate, a brief report, including photographs of how the grant has been utilised, how it has assisted the organisation and what it has achieved. This will appear in the Newsletter and/or website.
8. Recognition of the grant from Penkridge Parish Council must be made in any publicity material.
9 If the grant is put to purposes other than those for which it was awarded without the prior approval of the Parish Council, the recipient organisation will be required to repay the grant to the Parish Council. This may affect any future grant applications.
10. The maximum grant award per application is £500. However grants in excess of this amount may be considered in exceptional circumstances and a detailed costing is provided. eg a special project, setting up a new activity etc.
11. If an award in excess of £500 has been received previously details of expenditure must be made available before any further grants may be considered.
12. In exceptional circumstances the Council may consider an application outside the June Full Council meeting.
13. Council’s decision is final and there is no right to appeal.
Grant Award Policy May 2016
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Penkridge Parish Council may NOT fund the following:
 Organisations that do not provide a service to the community in Penkridge
 Individuals or appeals supporting an individual.
 General appeals
 If purchases/work has already been undertaken – Retrospective
 Statutory organisations or the direct replacement of statutory funding.
 Political groups or activities promoting political beliefs.
 Religious groups where funding is to be used to promote religious beliefs.
 Arts & sports projects with no community or charitable element.
 Medical research, equipment or treatment
 ‘upward funders’ i.e. groups whose fundraising is sent to a central HQ for redistribution.
 National organisations or local groups with access to funds from national umbrella or parent organisations.
Decision Process
1. On receipt of an application the Parish Administrator shall verify that the correct application form and supporting documentation has been provided, and that the application meets the conditions of funding.
Groups will be advised, as soon as possible, if the application is insufficient so that a re-submission is possible. Additional information may be requested before consideration.
2. All verified applications shall be considered at the June Full Council meeting. Councillors should declare an interest if they are connected to any of the applicants.
3. Councillors to consider the applications against the agreed criteria:
Purpose, beneficiaries, group’s own fundraising potential/efforts, previous awards and how they have been used.
3. All applicants will be notified by letter of the Council’s decision.
Grant monies will be released when:
 The project is complete/costs agreed and a Contractor Appointed or Commencement of a Project
 The work has been approved by the Council or a representative of the Council
 Copies of invoices provided showing the monies have been paid in full
4. Once Council are satisfied the above criteria has been met the grant cheque will be released.