Notification by a Member of Penkridge Parish Council:
Register of Members’ Acceptance of Gift[s]/Hospitality
I (full name)
A Member of
Penkridge Parish Council
(i) You are required to notify the Parish Administrator of any gifts or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50 which you receive in your role as a Parish Councillor.
(ii) You should inform the Parish Administrator of any such gifts or hospitality within 28 days of receiving them so that the details can be entered into the Register of Members Gifts and Hospitality.
(iii) Please note that the £50 limit could be reached by one gift/hospitality event of the value or a number of smaller gifts/hospitality received from the same source over relatively a short period of time [eg at a conference].
I GIVE NOTICE that I have received the following gift[s]/hospitality in my capacity as a Parish Councillor, with an estimated value of at least £50.00
Nature of Gift/Hospitality and from whom received
Date of Receipt
*to be completed by the Parish Administrator (or a person duly authorised by the Parish Administrator).
Signed ……………………………………………………………… Dated ………………………………….