Fire Risk Assessment June 2016
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1. Is there a system for controlling the amounts of combustible materials and flammable liquids and gases that are kept in the workplace?
Only cylinders kept in the locked cellar. The cylinders currently be8ing used are chained upright and the remainder are stored flat.
2. Is that waste control system operating effectively?
Waste kept in separate brick building, all part used pots disposed of.
3 Are all the combustible materials and flammable liquids and gases stored safely?
They are kept in the separate brick built Compound on shelves away from other materials. Gases are stored in locked cellar
4 Are all heaters fitted with suitable guards and fixed in position away from combustible materials?
There are no portable heaters. The heating boiler is covered in a metal guard in the locked cellar
5 Are all items of portable electrical equipment inspected regularly and fitted with correctly rated fuses?
Electrical Contractor undertakes yearly PAT testing on all appliances in August
6 Is the wiring of the electrical installation inspected periodically by a competent person?
Building rewired 1997/1998 Room 1 rewired in 2005. Annually we have Fire Alarm, Smoke Alarm, all small appliances tested by professional companies who issue certificates. A Full Wiring Inspection was undertaken in January 2014 by Sentry Electrical Services Limited and any remedial work which was required was undertaken by Sentry in February/March 2014
7 Is the use of electrical extension leads and multipoint adaptors kept to a minimum?
Electrical extension leads are kept in the Caretaker’s store and have to be request and signed for if needed.
8 Are flexes run in safe places where they will not be damaged?
Not Applicable. The wires from computers etc under desks.
9 Is the upholstery of furniture in good condition?
Renewed in the bar using fireproof material. New fire retardant curtains in bar 2010. New fire retardant curtains fitted in Room 1 in July 2014. Checked daily by cleaners and Caretaker when preparing rooms.
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10 Is the workplace free of rubbish and combustible waste materials?
General office waste only, office bins are emptied daily and contents placed in enclosed skips.
11 Is there a designated smoking area provided with adequate ashtrays?
Outside to the right of the building is a designated smoking area, sand buckets provided.
12 Have suitable measures been taken to protect against the risk of arson?
Building locked and alarmed when not in use. CCTV installed inside and outside the building. All visitors found wondering in the building are challenged.
13 Have measures been taken to ensure that smoke and flames cannot spread from one compartment within the building to another?
All doors kept closed, doors in the corridors have automatic returns fitted.
14 Is there a sufficient number of exits of suitable width for the people likely to be present?
Four main exits and six fire exits in total for the building.
The occupancy levels for each room hired out was set by the Fire Service. The main function room [Room 1] has three fire exits occupancy levels set at 70 seated at tables or 80 audience style or 100 standing [no furniture in room]. The marriage room [Room16] has three fire exits, seats 50 people.
15 Do the exits lead to a place of safety?
Yes into the Centre’s grounds
16 Are all gangways and escape routes free from obstructions?
Yes checked daily by the Caretaker when opening and locking the building.
17 Are the escape routes free from tripping and slipping hazards?
Yes, checked regularly by Caretaker as above.
18 Are steps and stairs in a good state of repair?
Yes, checked regularly. Renewed patio steps 2009
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19 Are final exits always unlocked when the premises are in use?
Yes, Fire Exit on push bars
20 Are the devices securing final exits capable of being opened immediately and easily without the use of a key?
Yes, Fire Exit on push bars
21 Are internal fire doors labelled as such and normally kept closed?
22 Are the self-closers on fire doors operating correctly?
Yes, checked daily
23 Do the doors on escape routes open in the direction of travel? (i.e. towards the escape route)
Yes, outwards all except Disabled door on front of building – listed building.
24 Are escape routes clearly signed?
25 Are escape routes adequately lit?
Yes, emergency lighting over exits both inside and out. Room 1 emergency light signs replaced in 2009 and checked by the Caretaker on a regular basis.
26 Have plans been made and rehearsed regarding assisting disabled staff and visitors to evacuate the premises?
Plans made and only rehearsed a couple of times . The building is infrequently used by disabled users and there are no disabled staff.
Portable exit ramps purchases in 2005 for wheelchair evacuation from Room 1.
27 Do procedures and practices avoid the use of combustible materials or processes that use heat?
Not Applicable. Community Centre, Kitchen only, has signs stating turn off appliances after use, checked daily by Caretaker. Kitchen has heat sensor alarm fitted.
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28 Has consideration been given to all cost-effective measures that could be taken to prevent the occurrence of arson?
Yes, CCTV and Intruder Alarm
29 Have staff been trained in how to call the fire brigade, the use of the fire extinguishers and basic fire prevention?
Staff undertake regular Fire Extinguishers courses and the Caretaker and a member of staff are appointed Fire Wardens.
30 Have you asked your insurers for advice regarding the fire protection of your premises?
No but checks are made with Fiire Officers and when extinguishers and alarms are serviced.
31 Where escape lighting is installed is it in working order and is it maintained regularly?
Yes, Lighting checked monthly by Caretaker and records retained.
32 Is there an automatic fire detection and alarm system?
Yes, Smoke and Fire Alarm systems joined, annually checked, batteries changed annually in smoke detectors by contractor during annual service.
33 Is the fire alarm system in good working order?
Yes, tested on a regular basis by the Caretaker.
34 Is the fire alarm tested weekly?
Yes, new system installed and break point tested weekly, records maintained by Caretaker, records retained in strong room, regular fire drills undertaken for staff and users.
35 Can the fire alarm be raised without placing anyone in danger?
Yes, 12 ‘break glass’ points all renewed 2013
36 Are the fire alarm call points clearly visible and unobstructed?
Yes, 12 Wall mounted, Instructions posted next to each one.
37 Is the fire alarm system connected to a monitoring centre which calls the fire brigade?
No. Caretaker has emergency mobile and lives minutes from the Centre.
The alarms are linked to our Security Company.
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38 Is the fire alarm system, and all its components, continuously monitored?
Yes, checked monthly, serviced annually.
39 Is an adequate number of suitable fire extinguishers provided?
Yes, 20 provided plus 2 Fire blankets all serviced annually.
40 Are the fire extinguishers and fire blankets located suitably and ready for use?
Yes, located throughout the building. Serviced annually, checked daily
41 Are the fire extinguishers serviced annually by a competent company or person?
Yes, by Contractor annually, certificate and service report issued and displayed in the Centre’s Reception
42 Is any fixed fire-fighting installation or automatic fire detection system in working order?
Yes, Smoke and heat alarms fitted.
43: If you employ five or more people, have you recorded the findings of the fire risk assessment?
Yes annually, file retained in fireproof safe.
44 Have you told your staff or their representatives about your findings?
Report to go to monthly staff meeting
45 If you have prepared a formal report, has it been shown to your staff or their representatives?
Report to go to monthly staff meeting
46 If you share the workplace with others, do they know about the risks that you have identified?
Exclusive users of the building undertake their own risk assessments.
47 If you do not have direct control over the workplace have you made your findings known to owner or landlord?
Not Applicable
48 Are fire action notices displayed prominently throughout the workplace?
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Yes, 12 notices displayed by each of the ‘break glass’ points and by the 6 fire doors
49 Has an emergency plan been drawn up in case of a major fire?
Evacuation procedures displayed at each escape route
50 Is a copy of the emergency plan kept other than at the workplace?
Not Applicable 1 building only
51 Has a procedure been established to review the fire risk assessment periodically?
In Diary to be undertaken annually.