Booking Events June 2015
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1. All events booked should comply with the Council’s ‘Conditions of Hire’.
2. If the event is to be organised by the Council this should be agreed at a formal minuted meeting, eg Full Council, Haling Dene Management or Recreation and Amenities. A Council run event, for example, is classed as a Band Concert, Pantomime or Concert.
3. If the event is a Council run event all the advertisement and selling of tickets is undertaken by the Council’s Administration Staff.
4. All monies taken will be receipted through the Council’s accounts.
5. No Councillor is authorised to pay demonstrators/suppliers cash.
6. Any payment for the provision of a service should be through the Council’s accounts on the production of an invoice and approved by Full Council.
7. Any event that is not included in the above should be booked as a personal event and paid for by the organiser, where applicable a Temporary Events Notice to be applied for.