
Full Council Minutes 11th Jul 2019

Minutes Uploaded on May 10, 2022

Penkridge Parish Council
Minutes of the Penkridge Parish Council Meeting held
On 11th July 2019 at 7.30 pm at the Haling Dene Centre
Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the inclusion of confidential matters.
Councillor Mrs Petula M C Hughes [Chairman]
“ Calvert Stonehouse [Vice Chairman]
“ Andrew Adams
“ Bevan Craddock
“ John L Eastwood
“ Gordon Hawkins
“ Victor Kelly
“ Andrew Lenz
“ Anthony Minshall
“ Alan Smallwood
“ Mrs Vivienne Smith
“ Ms Helen Sutton
Also in Attendance Miss L Hough
There were 23 members of the Public in attendance
Part I – Public Session
Apologies were received from Cllrs Ms Gail Balance, Mrs Isabel Ford and David Oldfield.
[a] The above was received for July 2019.
Resolved that the date for the next Haling Dene Management and Recreation and Amenities meeting be amended to Thursday 5th September.
[b] Members of the Council and Public in attendance to declare if they are video/audio recording the meeting.
Resolved that Cllrs Andrew Lenz and Calvert Stonehouse together with a reporter from the Staffordshire Newsletter declared they were audio recording the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest.
There had been no DPI requests received.
Mrs Dorothy Briggs of the Cannock Road advised that the traffic had increased on the Cannock Road and New Road to avoid Wolgarston Way, the road was in a poor state and traffic was speeding in excess of the 30 mph speed limit. She also asked if the road signs for the 7.5T be replaced with larger signs.
Cllr Lenz saod that following the traffic survey undertaken by Staffordshire County Council the traffic was traveling at an average speed of 27 mph but it was the cushions on the road that was making some vehicles noisy.
Mr Hugh Canning of Otherton informed the Council that there were seven roads which entered Penkridge with a speed limit of 30 mph but Otherton Lane was 60 mph. He had been told that the Parish Council had agreed to contribute £2,000 towards the cost of reducing the speed limit on the road.
The Chairman said that this had not been agreed but asked that this be an item on the next Highway Liaison agenda.
Ms Jacqui Leach of Tempest Drive said that following the June Full Council meeting where the Library was discussed some of the Library Volunteers shadowed a Staffordshire County Council Officer at the Library on the Saturday morning. There was a member of FoPL in the Library who she found was disrespectful during the shadowing and it upset some Volunteers. She asked if it could be agreed between all parties that the Library remain a neutral zone.
Claire Geoghegan of the FoPL said she was sorry to hear of the incident but always thought the Library was a neutral zone. She asked if the Parish Council could thank the current Library Staff for their work and contribution to the Library.
[a] PCSO Andy Poxon forwarded his apologies and submitted a Police report which contained incidents reported during June and July.
Resolved that:
The Minutes of the following meeting be confirmed and signed as a true and correct record:
[a] Full Council of 13th June 2019.
Some Councillors would not approve the minutes as, in their opinion, there were some errors and omissions.
Cllr Minshall stated he had requested to make an amendment to the Notice of Motion but had been advised an amendment could not be made to a Special Notice of Motion. The Chairman was advised by the PA that the Special Notice of Motion was in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders which did not have a provision for an amendment where the vote was for a Yes or No decision.
Cllr Eastwood raised concerns with regard to the Internal Auditor’s comments which had not be recorded in the minutes.
The minutes were noted of:-
[a] Planning Meeting of the 13th June 2019.
The minutes were received for the:
[b] Finance and Resources meeting of 20th June 2019.
It was noted that no minutes had been received.
It was noted that no minutes had been received.
Councillors requested a verbal report on the WMI proposed Rail Hub. Cllr Stonehouse gave a verbal update that the information on this matter was in the public domain on the Planning Inspectorate website and there had been no further meetings of the ‘Stop The Rail Hub’.
Councillors were reminded that they should report back to Full Council following any outside group meeting they attend where any information may be of interest to the Council and its Parishioners.
Resolved that:
[a] The accounts for payment were approved for the month of June 2019.
[b] The expenditure summary print outs were approved for June 2019.
Councillors asked if a Pie Chart could be produced for the September meeting and this also be included on the website.
3935. ACCOUNTS [Cont’d]
[c] The following accounting details were noted:
Current Account Balance £ 65,611
Business Saver Balance £251,433
Expenditure for the Month of May:
Full Council £ 28,643
Haling Dene Mgt £ 41,829
Recreation and Amenities £ 18,956
Burial Ground £ 9,494
Income for The Month of May:
Full Council £ 340
Haling Dene Mgt £ 27,665
Recreation and Amenities £ 565
Burial Ground £ 5,988
Resolved that the following amendments be approved:
[a] Approval was given to the inclusion of item no 27 in the Code of Conduct.
[b] The introduction of a Managing Sickness Absence Policy & Procedure Policy as per Stafford Borough’s policy was considered.
Resolved that the above be updated and submitted to Unison for their comments and represented to the September Full Council meeting.
[c] Approval was given to the update to the Social Media Policy as per South Staffordshire Council’s policy
[d] Approval was given to the update to the Audio Recording Policy as per South Staffordshire Council’s policy.
[e] Approval was given to the inclusion of item 3[g] in the Personal Harassment Policy.
[a] An email was received from SCC Community Capacity Manager who advised that the collective view of the Panel was the partnership between PPC and SCC continue to enable the successful transfer of the Library.
[b] The Terms and Conditions for Business from Hand Morgan and Owen were received and approval given for the Chairman to sign on behalf of the Council.
Resolved that the Chairman sign the HMO Terms and Conditions on behalf of the Council.
[c] The email dated 17th June from SCC Health and Safety Advisor together with the proposed Health and Safety Policy at a cost of £300 was received and approved.
Resolved that the above be approved and implemented.
[d] It was noted that the Library had now been included on the Parish Council’s Public Liability insurance and the contents cover for any criminal damage would cost an additional £104.35
[e] Consideration was given to the Steering Group’s Notes and the Action Plans for the above.
Resolved that for the first six months there be monthly update on the Full Council Agenda after which the Library would transfer over to the Recreation and Amenities Committee.
[f] An email was received and considered dated 26th June from SCC Cllr Williams with regard to the Procurement Bid for Penkridge Library.
Thursday 12th September 2019 at 7.30 pm
3939. Local Government Act 1972 – Exclusion of Press and Public – to resolve that the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph(s) Section 1[2] Public Bodies/Admission to meetings Act 1960.
The meeting closed at 10.10 pm
Chairman: _________________________ Date: _________________________