
Full Council Minutes 12th Jan 2023

Minutes Uploaded on November 10, 2022

Penkridge Parish Council
Minutes of the Penkridge Parish Council Meeting held
On 12th January 2023 at 7.30 pm at the Haling Dene Centre
Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the inclusion of confidential matters.
Councillor Victor Kelly [Chairman]
“ Mrs Petula M C Hughes [Vice Chairman]
“ Andrew Adams
“ Mrs Helen Adams
“ Ms Gail Ballance
“ John Eastwood
“ Sam Harper-Wallis
“ Andrew Lenz
“ Anthony Minshall
“ Mrs Vivienne Smith
“ Calvert Stonehouse
“ Alan Smallwood
Ms L Hough [Parish Administrator]
Also in Attendance
SSC Cllr Len Bates
PCSO Chris Neal
There were five members of the Public in attendance
Part I – Public Session
Apologies were received from Cllrs Gordon Hawkins, David Oldfield and Alan Smallwood.
[a] The above was received for January 2023.
[b] Members of the Council and Public in attendance who declared they were video/recording the meeting were Cllrs Andrew Lenz and Calvert Stonehouse.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
There were no Disclosable Pecuniary Interests received.
Gary Poston of Croydon Drive, said he attended the November meeting and mentioned that the new website was not up to date and advised it was a work in progress, can the Council give an update when the new website will be up to date and the old one closed down. Also the November Pie Chart and Summary are not on the website.
Dorothy Briggs Cannock Road, said she had come to talk about the traffic on Cannock Road, although there had been a reduction of vehicles over 7.5 tonnes the traffic calming were still causing a problem and there were adverse cracks in the walls of her house. Three years ago she was advised by Cllr Williams that each of the traffic calming could be removed for approximately £1,000, she would like to see something happen about this.
Mr Alan Stevens of Haling Road, said he supported Mrs Briggs and although the traffic had reduced a true count could not be submitted as you cannot take registration numbers of vehicles at 5.00 am in the morning. Cannock Road is within the Conversation area and the traffic is causing problems for residents.
Cllr Minshall said he had been approached by residents of Lower Drayton Lane who were informed that 12 months after the installation of the Biodigester the road works in the Lane would be undertaken, it is over 12 months and this has still not happened.
Cllr Kelly said he had reported the poor state of the grass verges along the A449 between the Petrol Station and Costa Coffee where tractors and trailers had churned up the grass.
Cllr Adams said he had received three emails with regard to gentlemen loitering in the Gazebo of the Horsefair Play Area and staring at children in the park. The adults were drinking and smoking and this had been reported to the Police who closed the case.
The PCSO in attendance advised he would visit the Play Area as schools closed for the day.
Cllr Len Bates gave his report on South Staffordshire Council’s Local Plan, a copy is attached to the official copy of the minutes.
Cllr Andrew Adams gave an update regarding the two trees at the rear of the open space on Mill Street advising one tree had been removed and Persimmon Homes were being contacted with regard to the removal of the second tree. SSC had received two quotations for the remedial work and additional equipment for Heron Play Area and an update would be included on the Recreation and Amenities meeting at the end of January.
Cllr Adams advised he had attended a Climate meeting and would forward the information to the Clerk to circulate to all Councillors.
[a] The Police report for December was received.
Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting be approved for:
[a] Full Council meeting of the 8th December 2022.
Item 5474[c] – Cllr Minshall advised he had spoken to Mrs Craddock with regard to the relocation of Bevan Craddock’s bench and she was upset that it should be moved.
Following a discussion of the anti-social behaviour that was occurring by the bench Councillors agreed that a sign be placed ‘Sile You Are On CCTV’ and the bench remain in its current location and this would be reviewed at the February Full council meeting.
Resolved that the location of the bench be reviewed at the February Full Council meeting.
[b] The Follow Up Sheets were received for the Full Council, Haling Dene Management and Recreation and Amenities.
The minutes were noted for the:
[a] Planning Minutes for 8th December 2022.
[a] It was noted that no minutes had been received.
[b] The notes from the Kings Coronation Working Group were received and considered.
Resolved that:
[i] The recommendations to hold a Family Fun Day on Sunday 7th May be approved.
[ii] Once all bookings had been confirmed the details be placed on noticeboards, website and Penkridge Advertiser
[iii] Cllrs A Adams, Harper-Wallis, Kelly and Stonehouse help erect the marquee.
It was noted that no minutes had been received.
Resolved that:
[a] The accounts for payment for the month December be approved.
[b] To approve the expenditure summary printouts for the month of December subject to any queries being raised by the time of the next meeting.
[c] The December Monthly Summary of Accounts and Pie Chart for the website were noted.
[d] The Internal Auditor’s Interim report for the Financial Year 2022-2023 was received.
[e] Consideration was given to an email dated 7th December from Staffordshire Support with regard to appointing a new Internal Auditor from April 2023 following the notification that Mrs Viv Evans was to retire.
[f] The following accounting details were noted:
Current Account Balance £ 18,893
Business Saver Balance £334,895
Expenditure for the Month of December:
Full Council £ 60,643
Haling Dene Mgt £ 90,393
Recreation and Amenities £153,191
Burial Ground £ 30,769
Total Income for the Month of December:
Full Council £ 2,699
Haling Dene Mgt £ 44,833
Recreation and Amenities £ 61,602
Burial Ground £ 11,047
[a] It was noted that the Parish Council response for the above had been submitted and a formal acknowledgement received.
[b] An email was received 12th December from the above giving a reply to Cllr Stonehouse’s question regarding the Lyne Hill Rail Corridor.
[a] Following the Council meeting with SCC and SSC Councillors and Officers on 15th December Councillors considered if the Parish Council wished to approve/decline signing the draft Terms of Reference, copy attached.
Resolved that the Council approve the draft Terms of Reference.
[b] An email was received dated 20th December from SSC giving their response to the draft Terms of Reference.
[c] The SCC formal response to the SSC Local Plan was received.
[a] Following the resolution made at the December Full Council meeting regarding to the Stage 1 tree, hedgerow and vegetation clearance, an email dated 22nd December from WMI Communities Relation Teams was received.
[a] Cllr Harper-Wallis gave an update on the above.
He advised that the first consultation had been re-arranged to mid February which would give the opportunity for the Public to give views/wishes for future developments and update on the past history for the village.
[a] Consideration was given to a grant application from Penkridge Round Table for a grant towards the room hire cost of the 25th June 2023 Fun Run.
Resolved that:
[i] A grant of £679 be approved for the room hire at the Haling Dene and this be made from the 2023-2024 financial year.
[ii] The Round Table to asked that recognition be made in all their literature to the Parish Council for the donation of the Haling Dene Centre for the Fun Run.
[a] The below Notice of Motion from Cllr John Eastwood was received and considered:
This Parish Council intends to once again hold an exhibition of the volunteer organisations and charities that exist in the neighbourhood.
This is to help promote the aims and effectiveness of those organisations, and also using the resources of the Haling Dene and Parish Council as an enabler to increase our usefulness to the Community.
With these objectives, the Parish should firstly suggest dates and consult with the organisations to elicit their views and likelihood in supporting this community event.
Resolved that:
[i] A letter be sent to Support Staffordshire asking if they would help organise the above event.
[ii] Cllr Eastwood to suggest a date for the above event to be held.
[b] The below Notice of Motion from Sam Harper-Wallis was received and considered:
Motion for the Parish Council to revive the Civic Award (cancelled this year) under a new event named “Penkridge Community Champions” and to implement the following:
· Penkridge Parish Council to host a community event in the Haling Dene for the Penkridge Community Champion 2023 Awards in the first quarter of 2023.
· The event to be hosted in the evening
· Entertainment to be sourced and provided, ideally targeting community groups.
· Refreshments and light buffet to be provided
· Parish Council to approach potential sponsors for the overall event and then sponsors for the individual awards in order to provide refreshments and entertainment for attendees.
· Parish Council to create an awarding group to vote on potential winners, open to all councillors to join.
· Parish Council to open up for nominations for the following awards:
· Good Neighbour Award – Someone who has gone over and above for their neighbours; generally being someone the neighbourhood couldn’t do without.
· Contribution to Community Safety – Any group, school, club, business or individual whose actions have a positive impact on community safety locally, helping to raise awareness and reduce crime in our communities.
· Community Business – A company or sole-trader whose business initiatives and outlook makes a difference to their local communities.
· Young Achiever – A young person aged 25 or under who has shown amazing bravery or excelled in any way, perhaps under adversity, through leadership or in pioneering a community project.
· Longstanding contribution – An individual who has contributed a huge amount of their time and effort to a single charity, club, group or organisation.
· Community Spirit – An individual or group who gives outstanding personal service to the community through hard work, dedication and commitment.
· Parish Council to deploy a new awards website here – to collect nominations and provide information.
· – domain to be purchased and applied to the draft site (£10).
5501. NOTICE OF MOTION [cont’d]
· Parish Council to start to approach organisations and the community for nominations of the above wards. Via the following methods:
· Social Media
· Notice Boards
· Direct Messages to all known community groups
· Councillor Engagement
· Parish Council to organise a mobile bar provider for the event
· Parish Council to approve a covering budget of £1000 for the event, however this should only be used to cover costs not able to be covered by sponsors.
· Parish Council to implement a directory of contact information, containing all community groups on the new parish website.
Resolved that:
[i] The Council continue with the Civic Awards for this financial year with headers of:
Civic Award
Young Achiever
Good Neighbour/Community Spirit
[ii] Explanation of what should be considered for the above nominations included in the application form.
[iii] Promote on Web site, Noticeboards, Social Media and Penkridge Advertiser.
Thursday 9th February 2023 at 7.30 pm.
5503. Local Government Act 1972 – Exclusion of Press and Public – to resolve that the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph(s) Section 1[2] Public Bodies/Admission to meetings Act 1960.
The meeting closed at 10.00 pm
Chairman ……………………………………………………………………………….. Dated ……………………………