Penkridge Parish Council
Minutes of the Penkridge Parish Council Meeting held
On 13th April 2023 at 7.30 pm at the Haling Dene Centre
Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the inclusion of confidential matters.
Councillor Victor Kelly [Chairman]
“ Mrs Petula M C Hughes [Vice Chairman]
“ Andrew Adams
“ Mrs Helen Adams
“ Ms Gail Ballance
“ Sam Harper-Wallis
“ Ron Kenyon
“ Andrew Lenz
“ Mrs Vivienne Smith
“ Alan Smallwood
Parish Administrator Ms L Hough
Also in Attendance
SSC Cllr Len Bates
There were five members of the Public in attendance
Part I – Public Session
Apologies were received from Cllrs Anthony Minshall, David Oldfield and SCC Cllr David Williams.
[a] The above was received for April 2023.
[b] Members of the Council and Public in attendance who declared they were video/recording the meeting was Cllr Andrew Lenz.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
There were no Disclosable Pecuniary Interests received.
Mrs Dorothy Briggs, Cannock Road, advised that she was in possession of an email from Staffordshire County Councillor David Williams from a while ago advising that the speed cushions on the Cannock Road could be removed but the Parish Council did not want these removed.
Mr Gary Poston, Croydon Drive, said he had raised the subject of the Website four times and there were still some items on the old site but not on the new site, there were no agendas for tonight’s meeting and no finance details since February.
Mr Adrian Mutter, Wolgarston Way Allotments, following his invite to attend the meeting he thought the provision of a skip was waste of money and this could be better spent on the boundary hedges. He suggested that rather than have bi-annual meetings for the allotment holders they should raise issues as and when they happen. He also suggested that allotments should be inspected after they have been relinquished and all items removed by the previous tenant.
Councillors asked that this item be included on the May Recreation and Amenities agenda so an addition can be made to the Rules and Regulations.
Mrs Anne Saxon, Locality Support Officer for South Staffordshire, attended and gave a brief description of what Support Staffordshire do and her role within the organisation.
She then spoke to Councillors about the Volunteer Forums and gave details of two recently held at Perton and the Sports and Recreation Centre.
Mrs Saxon gave two dates of week commencing 18th September and 11th December when a Volunteer Forum could be held at the Haling Dene Centre which would also involve local Volunteer Groups. The Parish Council agreed to provide Room 1 at no cost to Support Staffordshire and they would also provide a buffet lunch on the day.
Councillors agreed that Mrs Saxon and the PA agree a date and this be placed on the next Full Council agenda for further consideration for the event.
Resolved that:
[i] A date to be agreed for the Volunteer Forum either week commencing 18th September or 11th December 2023.
[ii] The Parish Council agreed to provide Room 1 at no cost to Support Staffordshire.
[iii] The Parish Council agreed to provide a buffet lunch on the day.
South Staffordshire Councillor Len Bates said he was a Cabinet Member for various Committees where there was funding available. He gave examples of funding and advised if the Parish Council wished further detail to contact him.
[a] The Police report for March was received.
Resolved that Inspector Chris Cotton be invited to attend a future Full Council meeting.
Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting be approved for:
[a] Full Council Meeting of 9th March 2023
[b] The Follow Up Sheets were received for the Full Council, Haling Dene Management and Recreation and Amenities.
The minutes were noted for the:
[a] Planning Minutes for the 9th March 2023
[b] Annual Parish Meeting for 16th March 2023
[a] It was noted that no minutes had been received.
[a] It was noted that no minutes had been received.
[a] It was noted the Accounts for payment and the Expenditure Summary printouts for the month of March 2023 would be included on the May 2023 agenda due to year end closedown.
[b] It was noted the Internal audit for the year end would be undertaken week commencing 8th May 2023.
[c] Consideration was given to reinvesting the Council’s Bond for a further 12 months with Nationwide at an interest rate of 3.75%.
Resolved that:
[i] The Bond be reinvested with the Nationwide.
[ii] A notification be placed on the March 2024 Full Council agenda that the Bond was due to be re-invested in April 2024.
[a] Cllr Sam Harper-Wallis updated Councillors on the progress of the above.
He said they had been a meeting with representatives of Staffordshire County Council and South Staffordshire Council which gave further information on the Local Plan and The Penkridge 2050 Vision which helped the group gather data.
The Group were moving forward with a more in-depth survey producing design specific questions/information.
[a] The PA advised that she had ordered two banners to be placed in the Village Centre advertising the above event.
[b] The PA gave an update on the Council’s Marque and showed pictures of the poor state of the canvas. Council agreed that the PA should make enquiries to hire a marque for the above event with a maximum spend of up to £1,000.
Resolved that the PA should make enquiries to hire a marque for the above event with a maximum spend of up to £1,000.
Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.30 pm.
- Local Government Act 1972 – Exclusion of Press and Public – to resolve that the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph(s) Section 1[2] Public Bodies/Admission to meetings Act 1960.
Part II – Private Session
Resolved that:
[i] The Private Session Minutes of 9th March 2023 be approved.
[ii] There be an addition in the Standing Orders for Councillors non-attendance at meetings for six months.
The meeting closed at 9.15 pm
Chairman ………………………………………………………………………… Dated …..……………………