Penkridge Parish Council
Minutes of the Penkridge Parish Council Meeting held
On 13th June 2024 at 7.30 pm at the Haling Dene Centre
Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the inclusion of confidential matters.
Councillor Mrs Helen Adams [Chairman]
“ Mrs Petula M C Hughes [Vice Chairman]
“ Andrew Adams
“ Mrs Jo Chapman
“ Victor Kelly
“ Andrew Lenz
“ Christopher Manton
“ Anthony Minshall
“ Gary Poston
“ Alan Smallwood
Parish Administrator Lesley Hough
There was one member of the public in attendance.
Part I – Public Session
[a] Apologies were received from Cllrs Miss Luana Bills, Ron Kenyon and Mrs Vivienne Smith.
[a] The above was received for June 2024.
[b] Members of the Council and Public in attendance who declared they were video/audio recording the meeting – Cllrs Victor Kelly, Andrew Lenz and Gary Poston.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
There were no Disposable Pecuniary Interests received.
Mr Alan Stevens of Haling Road advised that approximately three months ago there was a meeting at Pillaton with Cllrs David Williams, Andrew Adams and Victor Kelly with a view to reducing the speed on the Cannock Road, but nothing had happened so far.
Cllr Adams said that there was a meeting to discuss the speed reduction on the road as it was currently not feasible, he had spoken with Mr Mark Deaville but had not received a reply he reassured Mr Stevens that he would keep this open and chasing it up.
Cllr Mrs Hughes said she had been approached by Mr Bill Jackosn who lives in Pencric who asked if the Parish Council could do anything regarding the state of the grass along the brook and alleyway from the rear of Pencric to the A449.
SSC Councillors advised that there was currently a map being drawn up showing land around the village and the owner/responsibility to maintain. They would chase this up with the relevant Officers.
Cllr Minshall said a resident had approached him regarding the alley from Kempson Road to Haling Road which was very overgrown with nettles. He also said the repairs on Haling Road had left the surface very uneven with pockets for water retention. He asked if there was a timetable for the surface dressing.
Cllr Smallwood said the hedge from Francis Green Lane to Filance Close had still not been cut and was now very overgrown and the ash tree had branches dropping off which could injure a child.
[a] It was noted that future Police reports would be issued quarterly, the last report was issued in May 2024.
Councillors asked that the PA write to the Police and ask if monthly reports could be re-introduced.
There were no updates at this moment in time.
Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting be approved for:
[a] Full Council meeting of 9th May 2024
[b] The Follow Up Sheets for the May Full Council meeting were received.
[c] The Annual Appointments for 2024-2025 were received.
Cllr Minshall said he noted that under the SPCA membership it stated his place on the Executive Committee expired in September 2022, but he had not received notification of this. Council agreed that Cllr Minshall complete the Nomination form to be submitted to the SPCA.
The minutes were noted for the:
[a] Planning Minutes of the 9th May 2024
[b] Haling Dene Management for 23rd May 2024.
The minutes were received for the:
[c] Recreation and Amenities for 23rd May 2024.
[a] It was noted that no minutes had been received.
[a] It was noted that no minutes had been received.
[a] The accounts for payment for the month of April 2024 be approved.
[b] The expenditure summary print outs for April 2024 were received.
[c] The April Monthly Summary of Accounts and Pie Chart for the website were noted.
[d] The Internal Auditor, Mrs Jayne Ison of Support Staffordshire, attended the meeting. She gave a little background information about herself, she had worked as Head of Finance for Support Staffordshire for seven years, they were placed on the Staffordshire Parish Council Association list of Internal Auditors and they currently undertook audits at Penkridge, Huntington and Whitmoor. Their roles for Parish Councils are to undertake background work before attending site and undertake random selections/tests followed by questions to the Clerk/RFO, they sign off the year end audit and AGAR.
Cllr Poston said in the Internal Auditor’s year-end report of 2022-2023 she advised that the Chair and Vice Chair should be signing high value cheques but did not put a value.
Mrs Ison said this was operational and it was up to the Parish Council to set the limit.
The PA read out the additions to the Financial Regulations, Annex 2, approved at the May 2023 Full Council meeting following the Internal Auditor’s recommendation:
Cheques For Payment to be signed at Parish Council Meetings
Cheques above £5,000 to be signed by The Chair and Vice Chair or
Chair and Vice Chair of a Sub Committee
Cheques for Payment In August To Be Signed By The Chair and Vice Chair of Council
Two Councillors had put forward questions for the Internal Auditor and these together with her response were circulated to all councillors before the meeting.
The Chairman thanked Mrs Ison for attending and asked Councillors if they were all happy with the Internal Auditor’s response and report, to which all replied they were.
- ACCOUNTS [Cont’d]
[e] The following accounting details were noted:
Current Account Balance £ 60,862
Business Saver Balance £344,665
Expenditure for the Month of April:
Full Council £ 5,530
Haling Dene Mgt £ 16,120
Recreation and Amenities £ 8,670
Burial Ground £ 5,420
Total Income for the Month of April:
Full Council £ 480
Haling Dene Mgt £ 15,852
Recreation and Amenities £ 36
Burial Ground £ 3,995
[a] An email dated 29th April was received and considered from Staffordshire County Council who offered a Data Protection Service to Parish Councils. It was noted that the Parish Council’s current Policy Tier 1 was under the above.
Resolved that the Parish Council accept the SCC Specialist SLA – Tier 3 [DPO Service] at a cost of £523.
[a] The Chairman’s chosen Charity for 2024-2025 was Young Minds.
[a] The above was received and the contents noted.
Due to the above meeting not being quorate after five minutes of the meeting being open, the items marked as ‘Resolved to Recommend’ were ratified at the Full Council meeting:
[a] Chairman and Vice-Chairman
Resolved that Cllr Mrs Vivienne Smith be accepted as Chair of the Recreation and Amenities Committee.
[b] Minutes
Resolved that:
[a] The minutes of the meeting of 28th March 2024 be approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
[b] The Follow Up Sheets were received for the March meeting.
[c] Highway Matters
Resolved that the PA contact South Staffordshire Council and find out who supplied their Speed Indicator Devices and this be included on the July Full Council agenda so Council could make a decision on the SIDs to be purchased and the locations.
[d] Kingfisher Walk
Resolved that the grass and shrubs be left to grown naturally and South Staffordshire Council be asked to not cut the grass and shrubs.
[e] Burial Ground – Memorial Tree
Resolved that a Willow tree not be allowed due to the vast spread of the roots but Council would approve a Rowan tree.
[f] Burial Ground – Conifer Removal
Resolved that:
[i] The quotation from M Bissell Trees and Hedges be accepted but the PA to find out the legalities of cutting a leylandii conifer tree down with a wide girth and this item be placed on the July Full Council agenda.
[ii] The offer by the Contractor to donate and plant a seven foot fir tree to replace the conifer be accepted but subject to the above.
Grant applications were received and considered for:
[a] Penkridge Anglo German Remembrance Day Association for a grant of £400 towards their room hire costs for the Remembrance Day Reception at the Haling Dene Centre.
Resolved that a grant of £400 be approved towards the room hire cost.
[b] Penkridge Parochial Church Council for a grant of £1,500 towards the cost of the Churchyard maintenance.
Resolved that a grant of £1,500 be approved towards the cost of the Churchyard maintenance.
[c] Penkridge PCC Organ Appeal Group for a grant of £1,000 towards the cost of the Pipe Organ at St Michale’s Church.
Resolved that a grant of £1,000 be approved for the PCC Organ Restoration Appeal,
[d] Penkridge Peace Memorial Hall for a grant of £500 towards the cost of decorating the inside of the Hall and upgrading the Kitchen to provide a commercial dishwasher and freezer.
Resolved that a grant of £500 be approved towards the cost of a commercial dishwasher and freezer.
[e] Penkridge Phoenix Art Club A for a grant of £500 towards their room hire costs.
Resolved that a grant of £500 be approved towards the cost of room hire.
[a] The Chairman advised that the group were unable to write the final report and they would have to speak to South Staffordshire Council for help.
Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7.30 pm.
The meeting closed at 9.35 pm
Chairman ………………………………………………………………………… Dated …..……………………