Penkridge Parish Council
Minutes of the Haling Dene Management Committee Meeting
Held on 23rd May 2019 at 7.00 pm at the Haling Dene Centre
Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the inclusion of confidential matters.
Councillor Anthony Minshall [Chairman]
“ Gordon Hawkins [Vice Chairman]
“ Bevan Craddock
“ Mrs Isabel G A Ford
“ Mrs Petula M C Hughes
“ David Oldfield
“ Alan Smallwood
“ Calvert Stonehouse
“ Ms Helen Sutton
Non Committee Members in Attendance were Cllrs Ms Gail Ballance, Victor Kelly and Mrs Vivienne Smith
Also in Attendance Ms L Hough
Part I – Public Session
Apologies were received from Cllrs Andrew Adams, John Eastwood and Andrew Lenz.
[a] There was one nomination put forward and seconded for Chairman; Cllr Anthony Minshall.
Cllr Minshall accepted the position of Chairman to the Haling Dene Management Committee.
[b] There was one nomination put forward and seconded for Cllr Gordon Hawkins to stand as Vice Chairman.
Cllr Hawkins accepted the position of Vice Chairman to the Haling Dene Management Committee.
There was no Declarations of Interest.
That the minutes of the meeting of the 28th March 2019 be approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Item 291[a] Future Events – The Chairman advised that the Choir from Stafford has now disbanded.
Two other Choirs were put forward – Brewood Carols and Wednesday Singers for the Carols by Candlelight evening in December.
[a] It was noted that the Income and Expenditure printouts would be included on the June Full Council agenda.
[b] The Bar Takings for the year to date were received and noted.
[c] The Functions/Bookings list for the year to date was noted.
[a] Consideration was given to a quotation from Sew Many things to produce drapes for the marquee at a cost of £850, which would include fire proofing.
Resolved that the quotation from Sew Many Things be accepted.
[b] The PA advised that a quotation to have new lights in the Marquee had not yet been received and this would be included on the June Full Council agenda for consideration.
Resolved that the quotation for the new lights in the Marquee be included on the June Full Council agenda.
[a] It was noted that the Asbestos Survey had been undertaken.
[b] It was noted that one item had been raised which had been referred to Parker Holland to obtain advice.
[c] Consideration given to quotations received to have a CCTV Survey undertaken of the Haling Dene drainage system together with a written report and CCTV Footage.
Resolved that the Burntwood Group quotation at a cost of £650 plus VAT be approved.
[d] Cllr Minshall informed Councillors that following the March meeting he had walked around the grounds with the Council’s Horticultural Contractor and, in his opinion, the grounds were in a poor state. It was agreed that Councillors would meet and walk around the grounds.
Resolved that Councillors to meet and walk around the grounds.
[e] Consideration was given to how the Haling Dene Centre could be marketed.
Councillors discussed the above in depth and agreed that:
Bookings at the Centre offer the display cabinet for up to a week before their event.
The Administration Staff be asked if a member would be interested in having basic Marketing Training to help in the compilation of any publicity documentation produced by the Council which included the PPC News.
A databank of stories and pictures be compiled to be used in future advertising.
Resolved that:
[i] Bookings at the Centre offer the display cabinet for up to a week before their event.
[ii] The Administration Staff be asked if a member would be interested in having basic Marketing Training to help in the compilation of any publicity documentation produced by the Council which included the PPC News.
[iii] A databank of stories and pictures be compiled to be used in future advertising.
[f] The Chairman asked if quotations could be obtained to have the radiators drained during the Summer months together with the cellar pipe raised in the Asbestos report.
Resolved that quotations could be obtained to have the radiators drained during the Summer months together with the cellar pipe raised in the Asbestos report.
[a] Consideration was given to the Family Event proposed for 15th June.
It was agreed that there was not enough time to hold a successful event but agreed that the Bouncy Castle be re-arranged for Sunday 18th August when the Band Concert would be held.
The Chairman asked if either Andreas or The Magpies were available for the evening of Saturday 15th June to perform in the Bar.
Resolved that:
[i] The Family Day on 15th June not go ahead.
[ii] The Bouncy Castle be re-arranged for Sunday 18th August.
[iii] Andreas or The Magpies, if available for the evening of Saturday 15th June, to perform in the Bar.
[b] Consideration as given to if the Council wished to hold an event on the weekend of 8th – 10th May 2020 to celebrate VE Day 75.
Resolved that:
[i] The VE Day 75 be celebrated on either Saturday 9th or Sunday 10th May 2020.
[ii] Consideration be given to also incorporating a Family Day into the event.
Thursday 25th July 2019 at 8.00 pm.
306. Local Government Act 1972 – Exclusion of Press and Public – to resolve that the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph(s) Section 1[2] Public Bodies/Admission to meetings Act 1960.
The meeting closed at 8.25 pm
Chairman: _____________________________