Penkridge Parish Council
Minutes of the Haling Dene Management Committee Meeting
Held on 28th March 2019 at 7.00 pm at the Haling Dene Centre
Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the inclusion of confidential matters.
Councillor Anthony Minshall [Chairman]
“ Mrs Isabel G A Ford
“ Mrs Petula M C Hughes
“ Victor Kelly
“ Alan Smallwood
Non-Committee Members in Attendance were Cllrs Andrew Adams, John Eastwood,
Mrs Vivienne Smith and Calvert Stonehouse
Also in Attendance Ms L Hough
Part I – Public Session
Apologies were received from Cllrs Bevan Craddock, Andrew Lenz, David Oldfield and Calvert Stonehouse.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
That the minutes of the meeting of 24th January 2019 be approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Councillors discussed items that had been raised at previous meetings which were still outstanding.
CCTV of the front drainage still required to be undertaken. A suggestion was put forward of Burntwood Environmental.
[a] The Income and Expenditure printouts for the year to date were received and noted.
[b] Consideration was given to committing £6,000 from the HDC budget – Building/Heating/Maintenance Budget to the HDC Heating/Electrical Reserve.
Resolved that £6,000 from the HDC budget – Building/Heating/Maintenance Budget be committed to the HDC Heating/Electrical Reserve
[c] The Bar Takings for the year to date were received and noted.
[d] The Function/Bookings print out for the year to date were received and noted.
The PA advised that after chasing Corby Canvas they had still not forwarded a quotation for a new canvas for the marquee frame.
Councillors asked that quotations be obtained to have drapes on the inside of the marquee roof and also for portable marquees and this item be placed on the May Haling Dene Management agenda.
Resolved that quotations be obtained to have drapes on the inside of the marquee roof and also for portable marquees and this item be placed on the May Haling Dene Management agenda.
[a] Approval was given for the PA’s Action in conjunction with the Chair of Council and Chair of the Haling Dene Management for the Asbestos Survey to be undertaken by First Environmental Limited at a cost of £1,295 plus VAT.
[b] It was noted that a Fire Risk Assessment had been undertaken at the Centre in February 2019 and showed no initial problems but suggested a fire alarm engineer be commissioned to ensure the existing alarm system had been installed in accordance with BS5839.
Following a third party check it was discovered that the system was not compliant as the automatic fire detection (smoke heads) are wired in twin & earth and also the 240v wireless repeaters are wired in twin & earth.
[c] It was noted that following the boiler service the boiler is running efficiently and in good working order.
[a] Consideration was given to quotations received to undertake the following as part of the Planned Maintenance Programme Year 2:
2.5 Install TRVs & LSVs to all radiators
2.11 Insulate all exposed MCM pipe work with foil faced phenolic insulation
3.2 Check Distribution Board
3.3 Provide RCD Protection to all circuits
3.6 Check that the fire alarm systems are standardised and that there is a sensor/alarm in the cellar
3.12 Data Cables to be included under 3.3
Item 2.5 & 2.11
A quotation was received from JPR Engineering for £14,897 to install new TRV and LSV to radiators.
Councillors thought that the system should be drained and de-scaled instead of having the valves changed. They asked that Heating Engineers be approached for quotations and this item be placed on the May Haling Dene Management agenda.
Resolved that Heating Engineers be approached for quotations and this item be placed on the May Haling Dene Management agenda.
3.2 3.3 & 3.6
Quotations were received from SMD Electrical Contractors Limited to under take the above at costs of:
A Fire Alarm System [Quotation attached] £4,975 + VAT
Electrical Works [Quotation attached] £6,310 + VAT
Resolved that the two quotations from SMD Electrical Contractors be approved, as per the above.
[a] It was noted that the Hearing Loop had now been fitted into room 16.
[b] Consideration was given to quotations to have new batteries for the Microphone System.
Resolved that the quotation from Apple Sound accepted to replace the batteries at a cost of £1,096 plus VAT.
[c] Consideration was given to an email received from Penkridge First Responders to have the AED Battery and ‘optical’ paediatric pads replaced.
Resolved that the quotation for the above be approved.
[d] Consideration was given to a quotation from Penkridge TV and Electrical to have the Room 1 lights changed to LED at a cost of 2,362.
Resolved that the above quotation be approved.
[e] Consideration was given to the lawn maintenance at the rear of the Centre.
The Chairman said he had walked the Grounds and noticed the following:
There was subsidence in the grass at the bottom of the lawn, branches by the composter needed to be chipped, contents of the composter should be spread on the borders after the ivy had been removed, the Bishops Walk footpath needed to be cleared, the leaves needed to be cleared from around the grounds. He asked if a meeting could be arranged with the Horticultural Contactor so they could have a walk around the grounds.
Resolved that:
[i] A meeting be arranged with the Chairman and the Horticultural Contractor.
[ii] This item be placed on the May Haling Dene Management agenda for further discussion.
[a] The updated list for 2019 Events was received.
The PA advised that the costs of the Steel Bands in August was in excess of £600. It was agreed that they have the St John Band on Sunday 18th August at 3.00 pm with a Hog Roast, the Bar be opened and the WI to do tea and cakes.
The Chairman asked if the gentleman who left his card in the bar could be contacted and booked for a Saturday evening in the Bar in April after Easter.
He also asked if Mr J Oakden could be booked for a Saturday in May and the Magpies for a Saturday evening in October. He would forward the PA details of a Choir from Stafford for the Carols by Candlelight in December.
Resolved that:
[i] The St John Brass Band be booked for Sunday 18th August at 3.00 pm with a Hog Roast, Bar open and the WI to do tea and cakes.
[ii] The gentleman who left his card in the bar be contacted and booked for a Saturday evening in the Bar in April after Easter.
[iii] Mr J Oakden could be booked for a Saturday evening in May.
[iv] The Magpies for a Saturday evening in October.
[v] The Chairman to forward the PA details of a Choir from Stafford for the Carols by Candlelight in December.
Cllr Mrs Ford entered the meting at 8.05 pm.
The Councillors discussed the provision of a Village Fete in May. They asked the PA to speak to as many people as possible and provisionally book the date. There would be a Working Group meeting for any interested Councillors to meet on Thursday 4th April at 8.00 pm to consider if they wished to provide the Fete and then a recommendation be made the 11th April Full Council meeting.
Resolved that:
[i] The PA to speak to as many people as possible and provisionally book the date.
[ii] A Working Group meeting for any interested Councillors on Thursday 4th April at 8.00 pm to consider if they wished to provide the Fete.
[iii] The Working Group to make a recommendation to the 11th April Full Council meeting.
[b] Consideration was given to include a budget header of ‘HDC Events’ for both income and expenditure within the Haling Dene Budget.
Resolved that a budget header be included in the Expenditure and Income of the Haling Dene Management Budgets for HDC Events.
[c] The income/expenditure break down from the events already held to date was received.
Consideration was given to if the Committee wished to explore the option of having dedicated Caters and Room Dressers for the Centre’s future functions.
Resolved that the PA find out further details for the above and this item be included on the May Haling Dene agenda for further discussion.
Thursday 23rd May 2019 at 7.00 pm.
294. Local Government Act 1972 – Exclusion of Press and Public – to resolve that the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph(s) Section 1[2] Public Bodies/Admission to meetings Act 1960.
The meeting closed at 8.40 pm
Chairman: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________