Penkridge Parish Council
Minutes of the Haling Dene Management Committee Meeting
Held on 5th September 2019 at 7.00 pm at the Haling Dene Centre
Audio recordings will be made of all Ordinary and Special Council meetings and Committee meetings, with the inclusion of confidential matters.
Councillor Anthony Minshall [Chairman]
“ Gordon Hawkins [Vice Chairman]
“ Mrs Petula M C Hughes
“ Calvert Stonehouse
“ Mrs Helen Sutton
Non Committee Members in Attendance were Cllrs Andrew Adams, Ms Gail Ballance, Victor Kelly, Andrew Lenz and Mrs Vivienne Smith
Also in Attendance Ms L Hough
Part I – Public Session
Apologies were received from Cllrs Bevan Craddock, Mrs Isabel Ford, David Oldfield and Alan Smallwood.
There was no Declarations of Interest.
That the minutes of the meeting of the 23rd May 2019 be approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Item 303 [e] Haling Dene Centre
A memo be sent to all the User Groups asking if they would provide photos and a write up of past events also anyone who had a Function over 12 months previous be asked to give a memory of their event with pictures.
Staff be asked to attend a Marketing Course when they have their Staff Review, if the event could be held in–house Councillors also be invited to attend.
[a] Income and Expenditure printouts for the year to date were received..
[b] The Bar Takings for the year to date were received and noted.
[c] The Functions/Bookings list for the year to date was noted.
[a] It was noted that the Haling Dene drain survey had been undertaken on 7th July and the report was received together with the CCTV footage.
It was noted that the drains at points MH6 and MH7 had not be viewed due to tree roots.
The Chairman took the report and would contact Burntwood Drains to obtain further information and this item be included on the October agenda.
[b] A quotation was received from M Bissell Trees and Hedges to have the tree branches lifted at the front of the building and self seeding shrubs/ivy removed at a cost of £575.
Resolved that:
[i[ The quotation be approved and Mr Bissell be asked that there be a 3m clear gap from the ground to tree growth [subject to the SSC Tree Preservation Officer’s approval].
[ii] SSC Tree Preservation Officer also be informed of the work to be undertaken.
[c] The Chairman advised that he had walked around the grounds with TGM and they would supply a quotation to infill and re-seed the dips on the rear and to also feed the top section for the October meeting.
Councillors then discussed general areas that needed to be addressed within the grounds and this could be undertaken by the gentleman currently doing odd-jobs for the Haling Dene.
Councillors also asked that additional Dog Awareness signs be placed around the rear of the grounds as there appeared to be dog walkers who did not pick up after their dogs.
This item be monitored and placed on the October agenda for further discussion.
Resolved that:
[i] General areas around the grounds to be addressed by the gentleman currently undertaking odd-jobs for the Haling Dene.
[ii] Additional Dog Awareness signs be placed around the rear of the grounds.
[iii] This item be monitored and placed on the October agenda for further discussion
[d] A quotation was received and considered from The General Handyman to have a wooden/tiled structure over the open space beside the Garden Shed at a cost of £1,145 to allow for additional storage.
Resolved that the General Handyman be asked to produce a drawing of the structure and this item be placed on the October agenda for consideration.
[e] It was noted that following advice the front boundary wall adjacent to the Exit was secure at present but should be reviewed in 12 month’s time.
Councillors had concerns with the boundary wall to the canal towpath from the Haling Dene grounds.
Resolved that a letter be sent to the Canal/River Trust advising of the poor state of the wall and asking if they could undertake a structural review.
[f] It was noted that there had been no comments or complaints following the closing of the bar on Wednesday evenings between 5.00 pm and 7.00 pm.
[g] It was noted that the Tree Survey would be undertaken in the Autumn of 2019 and the report included on the October agenda.
[a] It was noted that the upcoming events had been placed in the Penkridge Advertiser at a cost of £140 for a full page.
[b] It was noted that Local Vocals [Wheaton Aston Choir] were to perform at the Carols by Candlelight evening on Friday13th December.
[c] It was noted that the choir were not making a charge for their attendance but had asked the Council to consider making a donation to their chosen charity for Cystic Fibrosis and if agreed how much.
Resolved that a donation of £100 be made to the Choir’s Charity.
[d] Consideration was given to holding the above event in Room 16.
Resolved that the event be held in the Bar.
315. VE DAY 75
[a] Consideration was given to if the Council wished to have an event to commemorate the above on either Saturday 9th May or Sunday 10th May 2020.
Councillors agreed to hold events on Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May. Councillors discussed various options and events and agreed to have a Working Group meeting on Wednesday 11th September at 1.00 pm to consider the Itinerary for each day’s events.
Resolved that:
[i] The Council to hold events on Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th May.
[ii] A Working Group meeting be held on Wednesday 11th September at 1.00 pm to consider the Itinerary for each day’s events
Thursday 24th October 2019 at 7.00 pm.
317. Local Government Act 1972 – Exclusion of Press and Public – to resolve that the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph(s) Section 1[2] Public Bodies/Admission to meetings Act 1960.
The meeting closed at 8.45 pm
Chairman: _____________________________ Date: _____________________________