Eye Test Policy September 2016
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1. Eligibility
1.1 Only regular users of VDU’s as part of their day to day work are entitled to reimbursements of sight test fees.
2. Sight Tests
2.1 Each eligible employee should make their own arrangements for sight tests, pay the appropriate fee, obtain a receipt then make a claim for reimbursement.
3. Glasses/Contact Lenses
3.1 If the Optician clearly states the employee needs glasses or contact lenses for VDU work then a £30 fee towards the glasses will be payable.
4. Reimbursement of Fees
4.1 All claims for reimbursement will only be accepted if accompanied by a valid receipt and claims must be made on the official expense sheet.
4.2 All payments will be made via the payroll system.
4.3 Only one claim per employee per annum is payable
If members of staff are unsure if they qualify please see the Parish Administrator prior to making any appointments with the Optician.