Fire Evacuation Plan September 2016
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This is an evacuation plan for employees and users of the Haling Dene Centre to use during alarm/emergency situations. Each employee is requested to maintain an updated copy of the plan and be prepared to properly respond in the event of an emergency situation.
Alert and educated people are the Parish Council’s most valuable resource for fire protection. Fire hazards arise from unsafe conditions and practices. Every person has a responsibility and vested interest in making a concerted effort to correct and improve conditions and practices.
Fire hazards include, but are not limited to:
SMOKING: This activity is permitted only in specifically designated areas outside the building.
STAIRWAYS: Never block stairway entrances, even temporarily. No obstructions should be left on steps or landings. Fire doors should always remain closed.
CORRIDORS: Corridors, hallways, and aisles must be kept clear of all obstructions (e.g. office furniture, bicycles, compressed gas cylinders, etc.) which might present a fire hazard and impede escape routes.
STORAGE AREAS: Areas used for storage should be kept clean and orderly. Accumulation of rubbish, rags, or debris of any type is a hazard and an unsafe condition.
Electrical leads should be placed away from aisles or other pedestrian walkways.
Never use electrical leads that are frayed or have exposed wiring.
Do not overload electrical outlets by using multiple extension cords, etc.
Perform regular maintenance on all equipment. Promptly remove/repair
defective equipment.
Understand and use all pertinent safety precautions when using electrical
appliances and equipment.
The Haling Dene Centre is fully equipped with a smoke and fire alarm system. While extremely efficient, these systems do not ensure all emergency/fire situations will be suppressed. To ensure the safety of employees and users alike Penkridge Parish Council requires the complete evacuation of the building during an alarm situation.
Failure to see fire or smell smoke does not mean a threat to your safety is not present.
In the event of an alarm/fire employees should practice the procedures associated with the acronym “RACE”.
Do not panic. Rescue persons in immediate danger
Activate the nearest ‘Break Glass Point’ and notify the Fire Service by dialing 999
Close all doors and windows.
Follow the established evacuation procedures.
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Prepare and evacuate the building by way of the nearest emergency exit. Walk; do not run.
Close but do not lock all doors and windows as you leave.
Before exiting through any closed door, check for heat and the presence of fire behind the door by feeling the door with the back of your hand. If the door feels very warm or hot to the touch, advise everyone to proceed to another exit.
In the event you are unable to exit the building:
– Remain calm; do not panic
– Remain low; crawl if necessary.
– Place a cloth, wet if possible, over you mouth to serve as a filter
– Signal for help from a window. Use a towel, clothing etc.
Upon exiting the building and proceeding to the assembly area situated by the top car park adjacent to the car park exit, remain at least 20 feet away from the building walls and overhangs. Do not block any driveways, as the Fire Service will need access to these areas.
The cessation of an alarm/departure of the fire department is not an “all clear” to re-enter the building as corrective measures may still be in progress. Stay clear of the building until the appointed Fire Marshall has advised you to re-enter the building.
Assist visitors during alarm/emergency situations. Visitors may not be aware of exits/alternative exits and the procedures that should be taken during alarm situations. Employees should calmly inform visitors of the proper actions to be taken and assist them with the evacuation.
At all times, when following any fire procedures, ensure that you are out of danger before trying to complete any emergency tasks. Fire Marshalls and building occupants are requested to put life safety before any other goal during fire emergencies.
If a fire or other emergency is identified:
Break the glass at the nearest red ‘Break Glass’ Fire point immediately
Call 999, advise the operator that there is a fire/emergency (of approximate) size and location; building, floor etc.
Exercise the appropriate evacuation plan
If the fire is in a rubbish bin or contained (not spreading) and you have been properly trained in the use of a fire extinguisher then:
Use the nearest fire extinguisher to extinguish fire. Do not leave the fire unattended. If the size of the fire grows beyond containment, follow the appropriate evacuation procedure.
Upon obtaining the fire extinguisher, use the procedures associated with acronym
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Pull the pin from extinguisher and hold extinguisher 6 to 8 feet from the fire
Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire
Squeeze the trigger
Gently sweep the extinguisher hose back and forth until the spray puts the fire out completely, with no smoke left, or until the extinguisher is emptied.
If the fire fails to extinguish, exercise the appropriate evacuation plan
If the fire is extinguished notify Reception Staff and/or Fire Marshall so they can assess the extent of the situation. Remember you must report all fires.
Fire Marshalls Mr William Strickland – Caretaker
Mrs Debbie Turton – Assistant Parish Administrator
Building Supervisor Mrs Lesley Griffiths – Parish Administrator
Evacuation route signs have been posted throughout the building. These mark the nearest emergency exit. Please ensure you familiarise yourself with your nearest evacuation route.
Red Break Glass signs are throughout the building; these will sound the Fire alarm upon breaking the glass. Please familiarise yourself with the location of these boxes.
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The assembly point is on the top car park adjacent to the car park exit.
These are located throughout the building; ensure you know where your nearest extinguisher is located.